wiSCAN T6 Pro with 2Tb SSD of OEM Software, DoIP VCI

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  • liilmrll
    Super Member
    • juin 2013
    • 281


    wiSCAN T6 Pro with 2Tb SSD of OEM Software, DoIP VCI

    Cliquez sur l'image pour la voir en taille réelle 

Nom : 		Wiscan-VS-EOM-Tools-1.jpg 
Affichages :	44 
Taille :		151,8 Ko 
ID : 			432871
    __________________________________________________ ___________________________________________
    WiSCAN T6 Pro & Pro-S compatible with all OEM Software
    and Work As the OEM Tool of the brand.
    Tested, it works perfectly with OEM Software, as you have an original Tool :
    MB VCI C6 DoiP
    VAG Group VAS6145a DoiP
    JLR DoiP VCI
    Porsche PT3G VCI, Doip
    BMW ICOM Next, DoiP
    Ford & Mazda VCM2/VMC3 DoiP
    GM Group MDI 2
    Honda DST-i VCI
    Volvo DICE

    Cliquez sur l'image pour la voir en taille réelle 

Nom : 		SSD-DeskTops-of-Menu-1024x558.jpg 
Affichages :	199 
Taille :		127,1 Ko 
ID : 			432870
    __________________________________________________ _________________________________________
    2Tb SSD of All OEM software in 1 laptop.
    Brands supported by WiSCAN T6 And 2Tb SSD Contents:
    1. Mercedes Benz
      Xentry 09.2024

      WIS 10.2020/EPC11.2018
      Starfinder 2023 + SD-MEDIA 2014
      DTS Monaco 8.16 2020 Projects
      DTS Porjects Release 05.2021
      DTS Monaco 9.02
      Vedimao 5.05 & 102 Gb of Data R2020...
      Seek Key v3.0
      Software Finder 5.1 Calculator
      VGS-NAG 1.6 Calculator

    2. Jaguar Land Rover (Support JLR Topix Cloud Online)
      JLR SDD v165 final ( Offline/online programming )
      JLR Seed Key Calculator ( For engineering mode )
      Pathfinder v374 Final ( Offline Programming )
      CCF Tools v4.6
      CCF Tools V4.8
      ODIS-Service 24.1.2 08.2024
      ODIS-EnGineering 18.1.0 08.2024
      FlashData 05.2024
      ElsaWin 2017
      ETKA 8.2 08.2024
      AutoGuide 3.4.1
      ODIS Explorer 2.2
    4. BMW & Mini Cooper
      ISTA-D v4.49.31 & we can handle the needed language on both ISTA...
      ISTA-P 3.73.
      BMW tools Package with SP-DATEN V71:

      - Inpa 5.0.6 (with English script files)
      - EDIABAS 7.3.0
      - NCS Expert 4.0.1 (with English menus and buttons, and NCS Dummy Profile)
      - NCS Dummy
      - Tool32 4.0.3
      - WinKFP 5.3.1
      - BMW Coding Tool v2.5.0...

      ✓Esys 3.35-3.8.1 with PsDZdata 4.49.31
      ✓ETK 02.2020
      ✓KSD 12.2019
      ✓ NcdCafdTool
      ✓ CIC MAFIA
      ✓ Dr.Gini
      ✓ FSC-Tools
      ✓ IBAC Generator
      ✓ SWID-Reade

      ✓ BMWAiCoder 5.0
    5. GM Group (Support GM TechLine Connect Online)
      GDS2 06.2024 with North America & Europe Regions

      & Tech2win 2019 Final
      GM XbusToolkit & XbusTRTool + Commands
      GM VINSwap Tool & FERMEC ECU and BCM

    6. Ford & Mazda
      Ford & Mazda IDS+ Ford FDRS 1-year OEM license
      (Support Modules Online programming with IDS & FDRS,...
      Mazda IDS v131 with Modules offline programming till 2018 & Keys programming till 2013.
    7. Renault Dacia Can Clip
      _ Can Clip 234 + 214 + 200
      _ Dialogys + Reprog DVD 191 ( 11.2020 ) + Reprog DVD v151
      _ Pin Extractor 2 + Pin Extractor 2.6 + Radio Pre-code
      ( Clip v214 Release 04.2022 is the final version for offline programming )
      ( Clip v200 Release 2021 is the final version for coding/configuration)
    8. Toyota Techsream 03.2023
    9. Honda i-HDS 1.009 01.2024
    10. Porsche
      PIWIS 42.400 with Enginneering Mode (12.2022)
      PET 08.2024 ( Part Catalogue )
    11. Volvo VIDA 2015 or 2014D for Win10... ( Release 2015 can diagnose car till 2016/2017 )
      Separated from Multibbt SSD cause it needs Windows 7 Operation System.
    PRICE of WiSCAN T6 PRO + 2Tb SSD :
    PRICE of the Tool & SSD 2TB with shipping & PayPal fees included.
    1. wiSCAN T6 Pro + SSD with Porsche PIWIS 3 = 1700 $
    2. wiSCAN T6 Pro + SSD without Porsche PIWIS 3 = 1780 $ ( +80$ for remote install of PWIS3 on other Laptop)
    Note: About PIWIS 3 Software, you need a Resolution screen of 1920/1080 px to get the whole PIWIS3 window
    if your laptop doesn't support this screen resolution, you can't use PIWIS 3.
    then if you need a separate PIWIS3, we can install it on another laptop, which costs 80$ More.


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